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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tractor Halloween Costume

This is the first Halloween where we gave our son the choice of what he wanted to be for Halloween.  His first answer was a butterfly.  We looked online at costumes and it was there that he came up with the idea that would stick: a tractor!!!   Here was the thing though, he picked out the John Deere cloth costume which was $50.  There was no way I was going to buy a cloth tractor for him to wear as a costume, once. (It was kinda ugly)  No offense, John Deere.  So we decided we were going to make our own.  This way it could be fashioned after his father's tractor.

I am not going to say that this is a quick costume to throw together, but it is relatively easy and cheap.  Here is what we used:  Lots of cardboard, red paper plates, vinyl lettering, duck tape, electrical tape, printed International logos, spray paint (red, black and clear coat), 4 tap lights, toilet paper roll, orange and red paper, gorilla glue, mod podge, white and black paint and suspenders.  Once it was finished and completely clear coated, it was good to go.  I think if we did it again we would have colored cellophane red and placed it over the back lights. (but again it was for him to wear once and then destroy)

On Halloween it rained and snowed while we were out trick or treating (this costume choice was great cause he could just wear whatever he wanted, we went with a heavy jacket and boots), and the clear coat kept the tractor looking good.  The lights were our flashlights and other kids loved coming by to turn them on and off.  The only downside, was my son didn't want to wear it the entire time, but we spent quite a bit of time building it together, so it all evens out.

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